Monday, April 11, 2011

On LoL, WoW, and punching people

So I’m officially the only one not level 30 in League of Legends. :( Maybe I should start playing by myself and stuff….I feel so little now. I blame life for getting in the way.

Anyway just some general feelings that I should have posted a long time ago:

If you tried to come up with a cheap hero who can just run and dance around like a little girl and then ulti and get instant kills, well you don’t have to!!! Because we have Karthus! I’ve noticed that people who play Karthus are also generally little girls because they like to bitch and complain while they dance around and do nothing. Except ulti. You can’t even have an epic battle with him where you OWN HIM IN THE FACE with your amazing Lux laser beam and then get away with little health because he dies and ulti’s your ass.

Conclusion: Karthus is an asshole.

Let’s say you want to play hero who can become invincible and do damage at the same time.

Well I’d say that you were ridiculously cheap but I’ll let it slide. Meet Vlad. It’s pretty much impossible to be bad at Vlad because he can be invincible and do damage at the same time… anyway, just as a general shout-out to whichever Vlad was playing with me and my brother and who had less kills than I did, (I was Janna) and decided to say that my 11 year old brother sucked….Yeah, okay Vlad. Cool stuff. Maybe if you could also heal at the same time you’d actually be good at the game. OH, WAIT…!

On a non-LoL note, I still have a lot of pent up anger for whoever hacked my WoW account. My trial just ran out and I’m super upset. I had it all planned out. I was going to pay my $15 for the summer, get to 70, use my trusty little wrath of the lich king trial account and level as much as I can. Then, WoW retirement. Well, now that I don’t have that, the highest I can get to is 70 and I no longer care. :( I just want my trial back! Especially, since the hacker used it for something as ridiculous as advertising. Grr, advertising. At least I would understand if they stole my gold. I want to punch someone in the face. And get wrath of the lich king but mostly I want to punch someone in the face.
